One Small Step for Star Group, One Giant Leap for the Intern.

Hello all, my name is Rosa Doherty.  I’m a senior Advertising major all set to graduate in May, as I’m very proud to say.  Just a few months ago I couldn’t acknowledge the lurking monster of graduation without whimpering.  Having an internship has tempered the post-grad water, and I’m more confident than ever to dive in. I’ve been an account management intern with Star Group since September and I’ve learned so much about the industry, but even more about myself.  Is Joe Glennon reading this?  I know it’s a cliché, but hey, if the shoe fits.

As one of only three interns at both the Philadelphia and Voorhees, NJ office, I am constantly busy.  And I don’t mean that in a figurative sense.  The first thing I do every morning when is write out a to-do list and create a realistic timeline of what I can accomplish each day.  Consequently, I have some newly refined time management skills from being submerged in an agency pressure cooker.  I’ve never been referred to as a “hot commodity” before, but it is a title that I am certainly happy to uphold.  Since there’s not many of us to go around, I get pulled in a million different directions- one day I’m brainstorming about cheesesteaks and the next I’m researching media buys for auto shows.  I hear lore of interns logging hours on Instagram and learning to make oragami out of office supplies, but I’ve never come close to experiencing that.  Although it would be pretty neat to know how to make paper swans out of index cards, I love that I have never once been bored at my internship.

Being an intern with Star Group has been the most exciting, and frankly unnerving experience of my college career.  It was my first internship and I really wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was lucky enough to be placed with a great team that reflected my enthusiasm and was willing to give me a crash course in advertising.   Having seen the cogs of a working agency first hand, I have a picture in my mind of where I want to go in my career and that is invaluable.  The lessons I’ve learned with Star Group, both big and small, will stay with me far beyond the end of the semester.

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