So What? How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience
Mark Magnacc,a author of So What? How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience, has invested more than 15 years on a search for what sets great communicators apart. In this book he sets up each chapter as an idea that has been tested in his own life and business, as well as with a wide range of clients. He has worked with clients from EMC to Blue Cross Blue Shield. Magnacca’s has taught thousands of the world’s top salespeople and his techniques will make an average persuaders into great ones, and great persuaders into legends.
So What? How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience is a book you’ll want to study. Read the whole or parts of the book in any order you want. Each chapter begins with an inspiring quote and ends with Take-Away ideas. Magnacca teaches us the So What Mindset, a simple, powerful and straightforward strategy that is brilliant. Learn from So What Communicator like George Lucas, John F. Kennedy, Walt Disney, and Steve Jobs.
The So What Mindset is a way to stay relevant in changing times. So What? is the new Why.
Ever wanted to be able to sell or communicate yourself, your idea, your product, your resume, your presentation?
So What? How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience helps you develop skills to sell better, achieve more, inspire others, strengthen your relationship, grow your business, and transform your life. A simple, light, modern book to strengthen your skills. A book you want to keep at your desk.
Have your audience say, “I love it, I want it, I’ll buy it.”