The Part Time Salesman
My name is David Ullman and I am currently a student at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa. As part of my degree in advertising, I had the opportunity to intern in ad sales for a site that releases content regarding Temple athletics. Within OwlScoop.com, one positive impact that really changed my perspective was my supervisor, John DiCarlo. John showed me what it is like to dedicate and invest your time into something that you are passionate about regardless of other circumstances. John was with OwlScoop since the early 2000’s when viewership was low and even during COVID when it was a difficult to attend Temple athletics. I have learned invaluable skills like negotiation, brand building, and how to follow up with potential clients. These along with other skills are going to help me greatly since sales is a field I hope to go into, not necessarily ad sales however. As I plan on continuing my internship in the spring semester, I hope to continue developing and expanding OwlScoops advertising partners in and around the city. Overall the experience provided me with insights as to how a smaller business is run externally and internally, from the subscribers who financially support the site to the interns and staff that make the site run. These beginner experiences and influences are the foundation for my career development.