City Year Greater Philadelphia Internship

Hi, my name is Deione Sydnor-Robinson, Senior Advertising major at Temple University, currently interning at City Year Greater Philadelphia. The United States is currently facing an Educational Drop-out Crisis, every 26 seconds a students gives up on their education, which equates to nearly one million students dropping out of high school every year. City Year is an AmeriCorps Program that unites diverse young adults for a year of full-time service. As tutors, mentors, and role models, these young leaders work on diverse teams to make a difference in the lives of youth, keeping them in-school and on-track to high school graduation. City Year Corp members have donated over 20 million hours in service, resulting in improved literacy scores and attendance amongst schools that participate in its program. As an intern, my job is to develop and execute marketing campaigns via Internet and on college campuses. Throughout my experience as an Intern, I have helped the organization create connections with teachers, community service organizations, and administrative people that can help City Year accomplish its goals of awareness and membership. Temple’s Campaign has not yet been released but be on the look out for the City Year Campus TakeOver to come soon.

One comment

  1. This is great to see Deione. I worked as a Marketing Intern for City Year in the summer of 2009 pretty much doing the exact same thing you’re doing now. It is such a rewarding experience to be part of such a life changing cause for the youth today. I wish you the best of luck there! And tell the team (Robyn, Jorge, Joe, Jamie, Kiera, and Theresa) I said hi. =D

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