Gina Kelly’s New Poster
I love Gina Kelly. All of her art is amazing, but her posters are what drew me in at first glance, (at a tiny thumbnail on gigposters.com, no less). Her prints are imaginative and colorful, filled with impossible animals and scenes that look like they came out of a similar universe as Where the Wild Things Are. She doesn’t make digital posters; all of her art is hand printed on a press using a technique that is detailed on her website and sounds incredibly laborious, (if the phrase “150lb. paper” is anything to go by). Ms. Kelly’s done posters for Andrew Bird, Beirut, and the Arctic Monkeys just to name a few, and her newest poster for Beirut’s recent show in Paris is, frankly, sick as hell. Check out her art, and this short interview she did in 2009 with Tuckshop Community Radio News.