Intern Survival 101
Brain Power
Intern work often consists of easy tasks, but the key to becoming a good intern is asking for more. People will always be impressed with you asking to take on more responsibility and therefore will trust you with more responsibility. It never hurts to ask for more work especially since time goes by faster when you’re busy! Offering to help shows that you are capable of more than your duties and deserve to be there.
Creative Juice
When ideas are thrown out about an ad or how the copy should read, this is your chance to shine! When I first started working on flyers and other small designs I was hesitant to add my personal touch to things until one day I added just a little of my own design work and was praised for it! Ever since then I have been creating things based on my own creative freedom and they are still just as impressed. Where there are chances to channel your creativity, embrace it. Being creative is one of my favorite parts of advertising so do not be afraid to show how creative you can be.
Watch the time
I have always been a punctual person my entire life because my mom was always late to pick me up from practices and such but this is one of the easiest things you can do to get on your boss’s good side. Sending a text message to let someone know you are running late is easy, courteous, and always appreciated.
Calendar Tool
Calendars are the easiest ways to ensure that you will remember when you said you would show up to that event! Using an e-calendar such as Evernote or Google Calendars make it easy to stay on top of your busy schedule when you are constantly running back and forth between school and your internship.
Spare Subway Tokens / Parking Tokens
Between school, my internship, and my part-time jobs I am constantly on the move. By 8am I probably have already taken 2 subways and a train. Having spare tokens in your purse or backpack will always come in handy.
Bag of Buzzwords
Buzzwords are the best things you can learn from the class room. Use your buzzwords to address competitive edge and show off your skills!
To-Do List
I never start my day without a list of things to do. No matter how small or big, a list is another great way to keep you on top of your tasks and ahead of the game.
Coffee! (and Lipstick!)
-and lots of it to feel energized and ready for anything.