No longer “Just a Big iPhone”

The new world of mobile computing has definitely changed with the introduction of tablet PCs. In most cases these new devices bring a lot of the functionally of its more stationary counterparts to the palm of your hands. Two of the most anticipated tablets are those of smartphone giants Blackberry and Apple. The Blackberry Playbook, to be released in the coming months, seems to be an extremely popular option already to business individuals and companies that have decided to hold off on getting Apple’s iPad. But the iPad, first released in April of 2010, has already had a hand in changing how companies do work in today’s market. One of the most relevant industries bringing the ipad within their daily works are creatives within the world of advertising and the creative aspect. Wyatt Mitchell, Director of Wired Design, and Michael Belknap, the Art Director for Better Homes and Gardens, have been leading development for some of today’s most impressive and interactive apps available for the iPad and other tablet devices. Using the iPad in a design setting is proving to be a great way to sketch, organize, manage, record, and accomplish day to day tasks, important assignments, and almost anything associated with digital design. Some of the most popular and useful apps that have been helping designers and graphic artists and would also be useful to aspiring designer include:

Adobe Ideas

Sketchbook Pro

Brushes                   Moodboard Pro                       Layers Pro

Penultimate               iDesign

iFont Maker

These apps allow users to create freehand sketches with their finger or stylus, create and edit your own style of font, display ideas and much more. With the recent release of the iPad 2, even more companies are taking the plunge to bring these devices into their creative processes. With the use of video chat to other people with iPhones, iPads, or any computer with a webcam, (which is a majority of the working population) the creative industry should begin to see increases in productivity within individuals using the device as well as within companies. Although when the iPad was first introduced to the market it came across to most as a toy; something to have for fun. Now people and companies are witnessing the potential of the device through the thousands of app developers in the world. With the ipad being used in school systems, the medical field, and many others, (and with designers being able to benefit from the creative aspect the most) we’re learning the iPad is not “Just A Big iPhone.”

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