What’s New For Pinterest

As an avid Pinterest user I was very excited when earlier last month they announced the creation of secret boards. If your a familar Pinterest user as well you know that each image you pin to a board can be seen by your follows by showing up on their personal feed. While this is great because it promotes the entire point of Pinterest to share ideas, projects, and products it also doesn’t leave room for those pins that you wish were for your viewing only. This is where Pinterest decided to help out and create “secret boards”. This new addition allows each user three of these super hidden boards which can be pinned to without anyone seeing the content.

So how can you utilize your secret boards you ask? Luckily Mashable came up with 7 Ideas for Your First Pinterest Secret Board.

1. Wedding Planning (finalize your wedding ideas without giving it away before the ceremony)

2. Visual Journal (great way to collect your vacation photos without sharing them with the entire Pinterest community)

3. Gift Ideas (the holidays are just around the corner!)

4. Surprise Parties (it’s a great way to collect your ideas without letting the cat out of the bag!)

5. Date Ideas (keep the surpise element under wraps!)

6. Strange Obessesions (we know you love cats but maybe pinning 80 pictures of them should be left for your eyes only)

7. Work Board (grab ideas for a certain project without bombarding your followers)


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