First hand experience .

Since SA VA is a small Fashion company,I had the opportunity to work closely with the CEO. For me that was the most rewarding aspect of my internship.It was a first hand experience not a lot of people get at their internship.The CEO communicated her ideas directly to me and we would sometimes brainstorm ideas together.Working with her helped me understand how she wanted the brand to be perceived and it really made my job easy.I thought it was important to work with her also because it is easy for graphic designers to misrepresent ideas that are not theirs, so in other words it was a way of staying on the same page with the brand’s goals and objectives. Also, I was able to see see what a C.E.O’s work consisted of.I learned that the quality every CEO should possess is the ability to multi-task at a high level.I was quite amazed and inspired with how my boss handled herself and her work.I was also able to build my confidence and broaden my knowledge with working in the real world and I hope to take this with me to my next internship or wherever I may end up after I graduate.


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