My Experience at a Vintage Store
Hi! My name is Hanna Merendino and this semester I had the pleasure of completing my internship at a vintage store called Two Percent to Glory in Fishtown, Philadelphia. As a senior entering my spring semester, I still felt a bit lost as to where I wanted to intern, but I did know I wasn’t fit for a typical agency. I reached out to a few stores and brands based in Philadelphia that I admired, and Sarah, my boss, invited me to meet with her and discuss the help the needed. I immediately fell in love with the store and the idea of working there alongside her. She has been such a great mentor, and I hope that we stay in contact and working together for a long time after this semester.
I’ve always been interested in working in the fashion industry, but I wasn’t sure how to get started. Sarah has so much valuable, teachable experience that has shown me more than anything I can learn online. It was such a special thing to be able to learn from her one-on-one and witness how she runs her small business by herself. I created mood boards for the Instagram, took photos of nearly every piece of clothing we have, and uploaded and named them on the website (which has yet to be published). I was given so much creative control over what I was working on, and I even had plans to run my own Instagram account for the store and selling clothing directly from there.
Because the semester ended so abruptly, and I had to return to my hometown away from Philadelphia, I wasn’t able to finish all of the things we had started, and there was so much more I wanted to learn. I appreciate everything that I was taught and the guidance I was given. This position has inspired me so much. This experience has shown me the industry I want to work in, and I have more knowledge regarding the work I hope to do moving forward.
Hey Hanna!
I enjoyed reading about your internship experience! Kudos to you for making the bold move to try out something new in the fashion industry and follow your gut feelings about where you think you’d fit in and want to be! Happy to hear you were able to meet a good mentor and friend! I hope you’re able to return once things calm down. Congratulations on your success!!! 🙂
x Jess
hello hanna really liked reading about your experience I can tell that you are really devoted to fashion. this is kind of similar to my situation because I had the chance to intern with athletics which is something that I am really passionated about. hopefully you can utilize the knowledge you gain in your future career. Philadelphia is a great place for you to get invested in fashion with all the outlet it is to offer.
Hi Hanna!
I have to say I love the cover photo you used for this post, I can tell you have a good eye for aesthetics. Your internship honestly sounds like a dream, and I hope that you stay in touch with Sarah in the future so that you can finish those projects you were working on. It is unfortunate that your time was cut short, but I think it is important to just appreciate the time and experience that you did gain at Two Percent to Glory. Do you think you will stay in the fashion industry moving forward?
Hi Hanna!
This post was great and I was so interested in reading about your experience! I like how you decided to venture away from the advertising agency internship experience. Stepping out of your comfort zone was difficult for me but I decided to also take the same step with my internship. Fashion is so fun and stepping out of your comfort zone is something that’s important within that industry. Kudos Hannah!!! I think you’ll do amazing in your future endeavors and wish you the best of luck!!
Francesca x
Hey Hanna!
I’m super sorry about your internship concluding so abruptly first and foremost. I find it super cool however that you were able to get so much experience at the Fishtown boutique! I personally used to work in Fishtown so I know the area has a bunch of cute, hidden gems! I’m hoping once things return to normal you’re able to return back to the job if that’s what you desire! Best of luck, and congratulations so far!!