Starting Up a Start Up
My first internship experience has been pretty great so far! I work as a social media marketing at a Start-Up called Driving The Line. We specialize in making sports betting content. At first I was a little nervous because I don’t necessary love sports. However I have been able to learn so much in this experience. I’ve learned about different social media management softwares which are super easy to use once you get the hang of it. I’ve also learned about making engaging content as well as using Software that outlets AI to cut clips from the show and gives them rating on what it thinks will preform best.
I am able to collaborate with various departments in my role. Since the company is still in its early stages and there are only a few of us employees, communication within the team is very simple. As a collective, we each have our areas of expertise, but we also collaborate and support one another when necessary. The “departments” include hosts, production, and brand management. I like the fact that each section can showcase their ingenuity to be the best aspect of this. For instance, if a host has an idea for a new section, they might discuss it with production to ensure that the required schedules and graphics can be created for the show.
Being the only intern in the company right now has its benefits because I get the majority of the attention and assistance when needed. Another aspect of the internship that I enjoy is that my supervisor consistently asks me what I would want to work on. My supervisor and I have informal talks most of the time while we are discussing duties and what needs to be done. However, the head of production and brand manager always give me a call to see how I’m doing. They inquire about topics like if I’m enjoying my work, what I want to work on, and how much or how little I’m being asked to do.
It’s been great seeing the company grow throughout the time that I’ve been there. The most rewarding part is knowing that the work I’m doing is helping the company grow. Our social media has grown immensely in my time there. I am continuing there this summer so I can’t wait to keep up the work and growth.