The Beginning to an End

This week marks the last week of my internship at Transparent Healthcare. Time went by so fast. I cannot believe that in so little time I could learn so much. I learned many new programs and how to use them so they could make my work easier, learned how the company functions as a whole, and the importance of keeping things updated in all areas of a business.

Apart from all the programs and systems I have learned, I learned how to become more professional. At Temple University, I have been taught a lot of professional skills like staying organized for my classes, presenting different types of information, doing thorough research, and learning the different departments of the advertising business. All these skills are just the tip of the iceberg of what I learned about the business world.

In the business world time becomes much more important. Even though every semester there are lots of assignments to do and you have to stay on top of turning them in on time, you still have more time to complete them compared to some of the things you do for a business. For me at least, the business world feels like college life on fast-forward.

From my new experiences, I now prioritize my tasks much more, keep different tasks/assignments in separate locations, value my time more, take more time reviewing assignments before I turn them in, organize things to work in the best way for me, and put important deadlines in more than one place (ex. Calendar, dry erase board, computer desktop). If I didn’t do all of these things, it would take me longer to finish my assignments, only making my pile of work larger, and make me more stressed. This would leave me little time to pay attention to important things that may become more important later on. Overall, I became more focused; this not only helps me at work, but in my life. Even though my internship is coming to an end, this is just the beginning because I not only gained a lot of new skills, but I gained a job as well.


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