Time for Action!

I’m an intern at Creative Video, a video production company located in New Jersey. I was hired at the end of the winter semester as a graphic design intern. Since there wasn’t much design needed during the winter break, I was very useful in the video production department. I never thought I would be editing videos for a job but after taking MURL, the Journalism capstone now referred to as Philadelphia Neighborhoods, I want to thank my professors for believing in each student to keep trying and never give up. They reminded us everyday that learning Final Cut Pro would help us in the long run and no one wanted to believe them…well now I’m a believer! After a couple months of video production and my last post, I finally got to work on some designs! I’m currently working on a postcard and landing page for a video email campaign. Once the copy is added and approved, my designs will be sent out to potential clients across the United States. I’m also learning After Effects which is a very important program used at Creative Video. This program seems very interesting. It seems very similar to Final Cut Pro and Edius, a video editing program we use, it just adds the design aspect to it all. So hopefully, I will learn this program quickly so I can start some more advanced projects in After Effects!

Also, BlogWorld is back! This is an event I mentioned in my first post and I was asked to attend this year! There will be one in New York City in May and in September it will be held in California and I’m invited to both trips. I can’t wait to go! I’m a little nervous because this would be my first trip for my career but I’m also excited that this opportunity has come.


Keep in touch with my journey down the internship path !


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