Up and coming for TAC!

There are a lot of great things in store for TAC! The next few weeks are a crucial time to attend meetings and events; you will not want to miss out. Several guest speakers haven presented at TAC meetings, and more are to come. A radio production company will be speaking at a meeting this month. And even more exciting, Grey Healthcare is visiting TAC on December 3, @ 12pm in Kiva Auditorium. Grey Healthcare is an agency from New York City, and they will have a lot of valuable information.

A few other upcoming events: The film Art and Copy will be played during the next general board meeting. And to give credit to our TAC Agency and to see the awesome work they have been doing all semester, a showcase will be devoted to them on November 22. Come by and check out all the cool ads they have been doing!

And this is big news for TAC – we will be visiting Ogilvy in NYC!This will take place on December 10, and more details will be finalized at a later point. Be sure to sign up! Ogilvy is a very successful agency, and it will be an awesome experience to see how the agency actually looks and how the employees gain inspiration. Plus, who doesn’t want to see NYC at Christmastime?

Lots of fun events coming up for TAC, be sure to attend!

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