Boost Your Confidence
Let me start off by saying that I am a man and I don’t mean to offend or judge women. I came across a magazine that typically women enjoy. People Magazine is a magazine designed for the latest gossip and…
The Experiences of Temple Advertising Students
Let me start off by saying that I am a man and I don’t mean to offend or judge women. I came across a magazine that typically women enjoy. People Magazine is a magazine designed for the latest gossip and…
You treat yourself to a well-deserved shopping spree and are totally satisfied with your retail therapy finds, only to discover an amazing coupon in your inbox and/or mailbox a few days later for the exact store you just blew your last…
“Kinfolk is a growing community of artists with a shared interest in small gatherings. We’ve created Kinfolk as our collaborative way of advocating the natural approach to entertaining that we love” – Kinfolkmag.com I love this idea of simple art.…
As creative individuals we always face challenges with different requirements with our schoolwork as well as our careers. We need to be flexible in order to fit in certain subjects into advertisements and layouts. We must provide the right amount…
3191 Miles Apart is a blog started by Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes. Both Photographers, Art Directors, Stylists, and Designers. The two creatives met back in 2005 and in 2007 started their first project of diptych photographs: “A year of mornings”,…
GoDaddy can certainly be considered one of the many memorable and expected brands that advertise during the Super Bowl each year. The company, a web domain hosting site, has become well-known for their racy, often borderline sexually inappropriate ads, even…
We all know that high-end fashion print advertisements seem to have nothing to do with fashion. They usually portray bunch of people doing random things that seem to make no sense what’s so ever. For example, Louis Vuitton has print…
Its that time of the year again: the 2012 Superbowl is approaching, and sports fans and ad geeks alike are getting ready for the biggest Sunday TV event of the year. Generally, we can expect big names from car brands,…
When creating good advertising, we are taught that it is of the upmost importance to consider our target audience’s feelings, and what their reaction may be to what we put out there. So, when French powerhouse fashion retail company La…
So culturally, as a Jamaican American, I wanted to bring awareness to a room(s) full of ethnicities about the Advertising industry. I wanted to bring to them another option for a career choice that they may never hear of and…
If I were to pass on one piece of advice, which I received during my semester-long internship, it would be to go eat lunch. During my first week, my supervisor told me to go eat lunch with some of my…
I was overwhelmed with joy after our presentation to the Phillies. It was like a mother seeing her child graduate! A bit corny– I know. But it truly felt like we’ve known these students for a very long time. Especially…
Before we went to Palumbo Academy to launch this awesome campaign for the Phillies, we spent a great deal of class time learning about Urban Education. We wanted to be prepared to deal with these Philadelphia Public School Students. I…
Hi all, Darcy here. So it seems that my time as the Marketing Intern for At Media has come to close!! What a fast 3 1/2 months it has been.. I honestly can’t believe how fast time went. One minute…
Hi, my name is Allison Hollander, most of my classmates know me as Allie. I am a senior Advertising major with a focus on Account Management. I didn’t start at Temple University with the intent of studying Advertising. I began…
I had many goals in mind when I first set out to find an internship. I searched high and low for agencies and branding companies that I felt could teach me the most, while looking the best on my resume.…
For the A+ School Rewards program, the region it covered expanded so we had to call the school and market the program for a few weeks. Stop & Shop, Giant and Martins grocery stores raise money for schools every time someone…
As an intern at Philadelphia magazine we’re not required to attend events. However, when I interviewed and was told I would be given the chance to volunteer at certain events I couldn’t wait! I absolutely love to attend events and…
Crane Communications is a full service-advertising agency providing media placement, marketing communications and promotions to prospective clients. While working there, one thing I learned is to handle everything with patience and a positive attitude. After all, being an intern is…
On Monday, we traveled back to Palumbo Academy to celebrate the success of the presentation with a pizza party. It was a great day to get to talk with the students over pizza and get their feedback on the workshop.…
Thus far my Internship with “Community Bikes and Boards” has been a fulfilling and enjoyable experience to say the least. I have learned a good deal about what quality advertising can result in as well as how to create a…
My last day at Weston Fitness was about a week ago, and since then I’ve had time to really evaluate my experiences I had there as an intern. Overall I enjoyed my experiences, I am happy to have been given…
Working with Temple Dining Services often means I am privy to some great behind the scenes decisions and news that other students may not hear about for years. For instance, I have been asked to provide a student’s perspective on…
The Palumbo Academy students filed into the auditorium filled with new acquired knowledge about advertising. The Temple University students followed behind them, anxious for the events that were about to occur. It was the big day, the day we presented…
Over the course of the semester, we were focused on building new corporate wellness partners with companies in Philadelphia. This means that we provide discounted memberships along with other various benefits if a company signs up at least 15 employees…
Now that the semester is coming to an end and the stress is slowing dwindling, I’ve had the time to reflect on the past semester. For me, this semester passed by as a blur of activity. As a senior, I…
As my final days as a Sales Intern at PHL-17 are coming to an end, I’ve been getting together all of the projects I have worked on. I have had to opportunity to learn so many different things during my…
As the semester winded down, there was more work to be done at the National Museum of American Jewish History. As the museum prepared for the holidays, the main focus was on creating fliers for NMAJH’s events and posting holiday items on…
As my internship is coming to an end The Philadelphia Wings season is getting ready to kick off its 2012 season. This past Sunday (12/11) was the Wings Exhibition game located in Trenton, NJ. Myself and some of the other…
So I got the change to learn a little more about doing things for trade these past few weeks. My boss at Silencia has had a few people approach her and ask for help. They are just starting up and…
Its hard to believe my time at Phillymag is over. It seems like just yesterday I was applying for the position. Although the past few months have gone by rather quickly, I have learned some valuable lessons and worked on…
Overall my experience with “Community Bikes and Boards” has been a very good one. It is much more of an experience then I expected it would be. Not only did I learn about how to produce quality advertising and run…
On my first day going into Weston Fitness I was not really sure what to expect, which I assume is the norm for most students doing their first internship. I wasn’t really sure if my time here would be spent…
As an intern and future employee at ListenLogic, a social media research company, I am confident to say that I have experienced first hand, what it’s like to work at a start-up. Here are a few things that I’ve picked…
Within the last ten years you have all heard that social media is an exciting, new and rapidly growing trend that has unimaginable potential for advertisers and various businesses. Many of those businesses do not yet understand it…
Something I have learned at Weston Fitness was not about advertising and marketing, but was about the idea of Corporate Wellness. Interning at a gym, I quickly learned that health and wellness is at the forefront above anything else. A…
Continued from Teenagers Don’t Care: Part I. As we taught them, so we learned from them. The first challenging thing was advertising the Advertising Workshop. We had them bring their friends, advertise the Workshop for us. We had them suggest…
At least that’s what I thought. I was one after all a short time ago. Being only 23, the days of my own apathy are not a forgotten ghost of a memory. I remember being apathetic and I remember being…
Teaching has never been an option for me. For starters, I have always been told that I am the worst teacher in the world. The simple task of teaching someone how to do something I do every day was always…
Each year, the Advertising Department awards a Top Art Direction Award and an award for Excellence in Art Direction. The two students that were awarded these prestigious awards on behalf of the faculty at last spring’s TADA Awards (Temple Advertising…