
Make Connections and Stay In Touch

This past spring, I had an internship with Crossmedia in Philadelphia. Crossmedia is a media planning firm and though I did not necessarily want to pursue media in my advertising career, I wanted to gain a better understanding of the…

Law And Order

It sounds ironic to take a creative break from creative work, but it is not an uncommon occurrence at Crossmedia in Philadelphia. One day this semester, I was asked by the team at Crossmedia if I wanted to watch Law…

A Day of Kindness

  When I was first hired at Lunchbox Communications I expected to perform the typical duties of a copywriter/social media intern. However, I knew that because it’s such a small team, I’d probably have to perform other tasks as well.…

Adjusting to Adulthood

My internship this semester was overall a huge learning experience. Not only did I learn about the work I was doing and the industry I was working in, but I was learning how to be a fully functioning, working adult.…

Not Your Average Ad Internship

Hello there! My name is Set and I am currently interning at the Office of the City Representative (OCR). Sounds kind of unfamiliar in the advertising realm, doesn’t it? And yes, I am not working for an advertising agency but…

A brief overview of what a Seer Interactive Intern works in

SEO, PPC, and Analytics: A Brief Overview

You’re eating a new brand of breakfast bars, and then a question comes to mind. Something along the lines of: “What are the healthiest granola bars?” In decades past, one might have looked in a book or asked a fellow…

Beyond the Cubicle

When I first started my internship in August, I was daunted by the thought of sitting at a desk in a small cubicle that faced the bathroom, staring at a computer for eight hours a day. As I spent more…

It is Finally Here!

Although there have been smaller important things leading up to this big event such as marketing the non-profit and helping those in need find homes/furniture to start their new lives, the most important thing of the year is finally here.…

Life is an AdVenture

As a project management/analytics intern at Brian Communications and RealTime Media I was quick to learn that the concepts that we learn in class and utilizing them are two vastly different things. I thought that my days would be spent…

Perfectly Hidden

It was a cold and windy day to start off the Philadelphia Marathon 2015. I remember that day clearly as I was basically frozen from walking around on-site to help out with media tasks. Arriving as early at 5 am…

The Greatest Life Learning Experience

So what do I mean by the greatest experience? Remember the days when your mom, dad, teachers and friends are always telling you to stop procrastinating and plan ahead of time? Well, here’s the thing. No matter how much, how…

A little “can-do” goes a long way

While working within the marketing department of Fox 29 I was fortunate enough to work with them on a campaign pitch with bike rental company INDEGO. During this time I was asked to film short vignettes interviewing Indego users asking…

Think Outside The Box

ChargeItSpot, a Philly start up, provides a free and secure phone charging solution to people throughout the US and Canada. During my internship at this company, I was constantly impressed with the continual innovation of the product, the rapid growth of the business, and…

Hit The Ground Running

ChargeItSpot is Philadelphia start-up that provides phone-charging stations to high scale retailers, casinos, restaurants, hospitals, universities and venues. They also utilize their the outer shell of their charging kiosks as an innovative advertising platform, in which brands can sponsor the units…

When you’re the only one with a pen…

Hi everyone!   My name is Alyssa Grant, and I am currently serving an internship at DePersico Group. DePersico Group is a design agency that specializes in food packaging. Being the only copywriter on site, I got a lot of…

Genji On Ice 2016

Nearing the end of the semester, approaching my official graduation has been unreal. My internship as Genji’s graphic design intern consumed my life this semester, in the best way. This internship, and a pesky GenEd were all the credits I…

Life Lessons in the Workplace

When you are starting your first job expect the unexpected. Expect to be given something that is urgent and must be done in a few hours, expect to receive an urgent email where you have to rush to your office…

7 Deadly Sins of Social Media

While we may think of social media as so prevalent and so simple that we don’t give a second thought to it. But it’s constantly evolving not only as new sites and services appear but as new uses for it…

(Some More) New Intern Tips

With all of the important work given to me at LevLane, I have to keep make sure I’m handing in all of my assignments in a timely manner. In an attempt to fight procrastination, I began thinking of all the…

Learning From Mistakes and Failing with Grace

In quick summation I spent the past semester as an administrative assistant and marketing intern at a nurse case management company called Advanced Rehabilitation Management. My particular duties ranged from day to day growing in complexity as I gained more…

The Realness of Research

As a research student in the Advertising department, it is a lot of times difficult to put yourself in real life scenarios of things that might happen during research or how it actually happens in the real world.  This semester I…

Building Confidence – A New Perspective

As the Chinese wise-men say, “when the student is ready the teacher appears”. Working at Advanced Rehabilitation Management put me in the spotlight to create work that would be published and reviewed by eyes other than my own. AdvancedRM is…

Stranger in a Strange Land

I spent the latter half of August and the first two weeks of the Fall 2015 semester hammering out the details of my internship with Independence Blue Cross Foundation. It was a long road, with many phone calls and emails exchanged…

The Right Fit

Entering any industry can be intimidating, especially when you’re just starting out as an intern because we really don’t know what to expect. We’ve all heard the horror stories of being placed at a desk by the trash or having…

My Revelation: I Love Media

After a knowledge-packed two months of media work at LevLane, I realized that I thoroughly enjoy MEDIA. It’s a department I wasn’t able to fully learn in class, but lucky for me, I was able to gain real-world experience. After…

Interning, Learning and actually enjoying it.

My name is Jenny Hood, I am a graphic design intern at Dave Magrogan Group. It is a young, fast-paced, growing company. The own five restaurant chains: Kildare’s Irish Pub, Doc Magrogans Oyster House, Barra Rossa, Harvest Seasonal Grill, and…

The Moment of Truth

  On the first day of my internship, the other intern and myself were given a list of daily responsibilities we would be in charge of throughout the semester. Most of them were just your regular office activities, but “Group…

Speak out and you will be heard

Philadelphia Magazine is such a well known company it is almost impossible not to have heard of it. But I bet many people don’t recognize the name behind the company: David Lipson. He is the President and owner of the…

All Aboard, Young Intern

As the photography and graphic design intern for the Independence Seaport Museum, I was in charge of spearheading various projects. When it came to documenting different events and posting about them afterwards, while utilizing a vibrant and friendly tone, I…

Positive thoughts brings positive actions

Initially, I thought I was going to be just one of the many Advertising interns at Philadelphia Magazine. To my surprise I was treated just like everyone else. Every morning that I came in I was greeted as anyone else would…

More than the Money

Of course a huge part of a job is the pay. You want to be able to pay your bills and have some money to spend too. As I’m getting closer to graduation, closer to job hunting and closer to…

Chaos at the Concert

A couple of weeks ago, my supervisor asked me if I wanted to work the Stevie Wonder concert. I immediately said yes, not caring about what my specific responsibilities included because the main reason why I chose to intern at…

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

While on my third internship in a row, I have definitely learned a variety of information that I wouldn’t necessarily learn in class. The number one thing I learned that took some time for me to realize is the fact that just…

Feeling like a Star

Within the first few weeks of my internship, I have helped with a lot of different tasks.  I have updated the Pathways to Housing Pa website in small ways.  I have monitored a campaign and written social media shout outs,…