
Live Nation: Behind the Scenes…

Currently I have an internship at Live Nation Philadelphia. I have been interning here since January 18th, and it has been an eye-opening and fun experience. Currently I am a marketing intern there, and I help organize all the different…

Missing my internship already!

  My internship with MayoSeitz Media ended on a very sweet note. To tell the truth I had the best ending possible! MayoSeitz’s Media owners Mr. Seitz and Mr. Mayo throw cinco de mayo parties every year and invite clients…

Take Advantage of Philadelphia!

Somewhere cool that I got to visit through my internship at Philly2night, was a quaint little restaurant set right in the heart of Queens Village in Philadelphia, called Village Belle. This place is filled with beautiful mahogany, antique lighting and…

Yay! Summer Internship at Live Nation

So I have been interning in the marketing department at Live Nation this Spring semester, and I have really learned a lot. I didn’t realize how much goes into just producing one concert. I am really happy right now, because…

Intern Somewhere That Is Useful to You!

I intern at an Marketing and PR firm called Philly2night where they do promotional events and promotional material on the website for the companies that they sponsor. Philly2night knows whats going on in the city of Philadelphia and posts the…

Only the Beginning

As other interns are winding down at their places of work for the Spring semester, I was lucky enough to be asked to stay over the summer at mine- Temple’s Office of Sustainability and of course I accepted! I honestly…

Gay Consumers Then and Now

GLITTER AND BE GAY: I recently have taken a look into the gay consumers group and would like to discuss my findings with you. First of all, it seems many of the advertisements based on gay consumers are so stereotyped.…

Bobos Invade our cities, then leave.

Since the 90’s the Bobos have been invading our cities and changing the way they look.  Bobo is a term which combines the two words Bohemian and Bourgeoisie; these two words seem as though they would never be put together,…

5 Campaigns that Paved the Way

5 Campaigns that Paved the Way   We can all think of the most creative ads we’ve ever seen, the most successful, or even the funniest ones, but after reading James Twitchell’s, 20 Ads that Shook the World, I now…

5 Essentials for Marketing to Green Moms

Understanding the mindset of your consumer is key when developing a strategy, deciding upon creative and even interacting with them through social media. It’s the basis for how they’re going to react to your ads and as the market becomes…

Why and how, advertising to “Tech Setters”

There is always some new kind of technology gadget coming out. Once you think you’ve gotten the best and newest gadget, another one comes out and tops it, much like when the IPad came out. Now consumers are running after the IPad 2 and…

3 Ways Women Influence Advertising

female-buying-power 1. Most women are in control of finances and budgets 2. Women make majority of purchasing decisions 3. All targets can be reached through women 80% of all purchasing decisions are made by women (Buisness Week). In the household…

More than a religion, more than a consumer.

What do you think of when you hear Muslim?  …Islam? Well, according to a study performed by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 35% of Americans view Muslims in a negative light.  Another 45% believe Islam to be…

Are you Lost? Today’s 20-somethings.

If you’re a 20-something today… chances are, you’re a Lost Boy (or Girl). Today’s young adults are increasingly delaying maturity by putting off the traditional adult rites of passage (think: completing school, leaving home, achieving financial independence, settling into a…

The Cougar Phenomena

The Cougar has become the latest buzz of pop culture phenomena. From shows like The Real Desperate Housewives, Sex in the City, and the recent, Cougar Town, to the constant tabloid reports of Cougars ‘on the prowl”, there is no…

Forget Disaster… Disruption means SUCCESS

In most instances, disruption spells disaster but in the case of international advertising agency TBWA, disruption meant innovation. Innovation that would challenge conventional thinking and set precedence in the advertising industry. Author and co-founder of TBWA, Jean- Marie Dru, discusses…

You win some, You lose some

Just like with anything else in life, some times you have a good day and some times you have a bad day.  There are ups and down to everything, including the ad biz.  Since I’ve been interning at Neiman Group,…

The moral of the story is: Morale

One thing every aspiring advertising executive must learn to deal with is working long, very long, hours so it’s important to keep the team’s spirits up!  There is no such thing as a steady 9-5.  What I’ve learned from interning…

Fox Wrap Up

As my time as an intern at Fox winds down, there has been a lot of exciting projects I have been working on. For the past year Fox was secretly working on a new re-branding campaign which has been very…

Flyers Playoff

I have an internship with the Philadelphia Flyers. These past couple of weeks have been crazy at the internship obviously because it is playoff time! At the internship I am a part of the in-game promotional team called the Fun…

The End Is Here

I have now reached the final week of my internship at The Nouveau Image. It has truly been a very rewarding experience. I was able to learn a lot during the course of the internship. I always enjoy being able…


Fresh Branding

A fresh new branding campaign has been launched for Stack Architects. The creators of this clean and concise design are The Consult. “They were looking for a fresh brand identity that would reflect its craft and, being a new organisation,…

The Final Curtain

To quote Frank Sinatra, “the end is here and so I face the final curtain”. As the semester comes to a close, so is this chapter in my Finch Brands internship experience. I’ve been asked to stay on for the…

And the waiting begins..

So I have finished my internship at LevLane Advertising. I had an amazing time learning and getting to know some of the people there. I woke up today, without an alarm, to the time that i would have gone in.…

Once you tell them you can help, they know

Interning at the Brownstein Group has been a great opportunity.  It is an established agency in the city with big clients and innovative people.  As time has gone on, I have made a realization about interning.  Everyone is always busy.  From creating, to communicating,…

My last Week

Thanks to MayoSeitz Media I will be considering a career in Media Planning! I am on my last week at my internship. Tuesday is the last full day and Thursday is the Cinco de MayoSeitz party. Something I am extremely excited…

OK! Magazine is More Than OK!

Right when I walked into the office on the 4th floor of the 44th and 6th ave. office of OK! Magazine, I knew it was the place I wanted to be. As a web intern at OK! Magazine, I feel…

Darwin’s Got Nothing On Us

If there is one thing I have gained from this internship it is experience. Before this internship all my knowledge of the advertising and marketing world consisted of theoretical situations and hypothetical in class clients. Finch Brands has really helped…

Knowing what you don’t know

As I look back on this semester as an intern at the Avenue of the Arts, I feel that it was a great start to my career.  I not only gained experience, but I also realized what I didn’t know,…

Millennials…A Generation of Change

We have been told that if we work really hard we will succeed. We won trophies. We learned that everyone is a winner. 75 % of us use social networking sites that have started revolutions… (And stalked our ex’s). We…

Lego Ambient

Above is a sample of an idea produced by Access Agency for Lego. Although it is just a concept, it is probably one of the better ambient/viral tactics I’ve seen in recent years. One thing I’m not sure about is the…


Lamar Peterson Illustration

Have you ever seen a piece of work (art) and had only one single thought on it? A thought like (excuse my French) “what the fuck is happening right now?” This is exactly what I think when I see the…


Internships are great ways to gain experience in your field of work prior to graduating from college. The goal of gaining a media planning internship this spring was  not only to see if this is the line of work I…

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye

As my internship comes to a close I’m grateful for the experience. I have learned so much and met great people.  Interning at The Gabriel Institute has taught me that you never really know where you’ll end up in your…

A Blog About A Blog

= What better way to intrigue all you bloggers than to talk about…a blog!? That’s what I thought. Regardless of irony, it’s something that I really want to share. Brownstein, like many companies has… a blog. Unlike the others, however,…